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Paul's E-pistle Sunday, May 14, 2023

A Slow Leak
Last Sunday I discovered something.  It was a leak in a pipe that had been leaking quite a while.  My plans for the week changed drastically.  We found the leak Monday, corrected it, but the damage was done.  The next couple weeks will be filled with moving stuff, repair crews, insurance conversations, etc.

Sin can be a slow leak in our lives.  We all sin.  But if we don't correct it right away, it will do more damage to us than what the water did to my humble abode.

I John 1:9 tells Christians that when we sin, we need to clear the air between us and God.  Don't let it go.  Take care of it right away and get back on track with God or the damage between our friendship with God will be a disaster.

Fix the leak!

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