Paul's E-pistle November 5, 2023
Don't Work Thataway!
Been watching some videos on how to buy bigger chunks of meat and slice it myself to save on the bucks. Bought me a hunk of pork for a roast, slices for cabbage dish and of course sausage.
Cut up my chunks to grind for sausage. I froze it for 2 hours, put it in the grinder and it was a total failure, not to mention the mess.
Wondering where I messed up I went to the all knowing YouTube. Still baffled until one video mentioned the cutter blade. Hmm, cutter blade. Didn't remember to put that in the setup. Following grind worked perfectly.
Just like I thought I had my grinder all figured out, a lot of folks think they have life figured out. They think that if they are good enough, God will grant them Heaven. Don't work thataway. It's not our good deeds but rather Christ's righteousness that does the trick. All we have to do is place our faith in Jesus for paying our penalty for our sin on the cross.
The blade made all the difference in my grind. And Christ makes the difference between Heaven and Hell.