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Paul's E-pistle November 3, 2024

Hike or Hammock
Prior to church starting this morning, I was talking with a friend about the beautiful day.  He mentioned it'd be a great day to lay in a hammock to which I responded not to tempt me since I was planning on hiking after the service while planning my lesson for the month.  After dragging myself from the recliner after lunch I set out on my hike, only to find the trail had been closed due to the past hurricane,  After sitting in a park swing, I ended up back at the house - in the hammock.

I was deterred in my plans.  The hike fell to the hammock.  What plans does God have for you this week?  Will you let distractions keep you from His direction that He wants you to go?
Follow God this week.  Set out to live a life of complete devotion to Him.

Oh, I did do some praying while relaxing in said hammock.  :)

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