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Thanks Adam and Eve - August 2, 2020


Went to gather some blackberries (or black raspberries - not sure which).  Prickly little rascals to grab.  They are connected to "wait a minute" vines.  That's a vine that grabs you and says "wait a minute".  
We have thorns and thistles because of Adam and Eve.  They sinned and we suffer.  Not fair is it?

Actually it is.  Why?  Because according to Scripture we are all totally depraved.  That means we sin too.  So it wasn't just them.

Fortunately, God provided a way of escape from this sin that separates us from Him.  Jesus died and paid the penalty so we can go free.  But, just like I decided to get berries yesterday, we also have to claim that forgiveness.  Have you trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sin?

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