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Taste Good This Winter   Sunday, July 19, 2020


Got some blueberries this weekend.  I washed them up, prepped them and some went in the freezer.  I just now loaded the dehydrator with some.  

What am I doing?  I am preparing to enjoy the tasty morsels this winter.  Yeah, I know it's 93 degrees outside.  However, I'm still preparing for winter goodness.  I want to enjoy some now and some when it's 17 degrees.

Preparing.  It's important.  Are we preparing for the day we meet Jesus?  Don't know about you but I don't wanna be standing with my hands in my pockets on the judgement day.  More than I want blueberries in winter, I want some day to hear God say "well done".  But to hear that, we have to prepare now.

Oh, gotta run and check my chicken.  (Preparing a few meals for this week ahead of time too).

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