Anywhere and Everywhere
I was getting ready to type this out but I had a great desire to be near my Frostie Root Beer in my recliner. So guess what? I unplugged my laptop from my desk and here I am. Hey, I can type from here just as easy as my desk right?
(Paul sips his soda)
Did you know your walk with God is like that? Not saying everything is easy cause it's not. Especially now-a-days. But your walk with God is everywhere. And just like I can type in my comfy chair, I can pray and enjoy my friendship with Jesus anywhere and everywhere. Actually, God wants us to do that anyway.
(Paul sips soda again)
So why not practice that this week. Enjoy God everywhere. Invite Him into your daily routine.
(Paul sips soda)
After all, God's word tells us that whether you eat, drink, (soda) or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God!
Let's do that this week.
(Paul burps)