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Protest and ?   Sunday, June 6, 2020

Lots of protests going on out there.  Important?  I would suppose so.  (Not criminal acts of course).  A message needs to get out about hate and the lack of love.  


But if that's where it stops, nothing will change.  Will you join me in my endeavor?


Don't just protest.  Join me in my over 33 year campaign of sharing Jesus with others.  Whether you march with a sign or not is your decision.  But don't stop there!  Why not find yourself in a church this coming Sunday.  Don't just show up but get involved.  Share Jesus.  Teach a Sunday School class.  Sit with a loner.  Be Jesus to someone.  And outside of church...


Find someone who needs to be shown love.  Share the love of Jesus.


Find someone who has physical needs.  Share the care of Jesus.


Find someone who has financial needs.  Share the wealth of Jesus.


And if someone finds you and hates on you, share the love of Christ instead.


Most of all, share the message of Jesus.  This, and this only will change a heart.  You can change all the laws you want but if you don't see a change in a heart, the problem of racism will NEVER be solved.


So, are you up to the challenge to live out Christ?  Why not, when the protests are over and your sign takes up residence in your attic, "be thou an example of the believer" and really, REALLY make a change.


I know for myself, I can't wait until we start back (from COVID) my little kids multi-colored skin Sunday School class.  Can't wait to share that red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.  I'm making a real difference!


Will you PLEASE join in???

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