Practice March 17, 2019
Took my youth group bowling today. We had a great time. I did my usual of bowling a good game (for me) my first game and then my score went down hill.
I did notice one guy down a few alleys who threw like a pro. Over and over he would get strikes and spares. Not quite sure how he didn't throw his back out. Oh wait, I know ...
Practice. You could tell he'd bowled a few games before. He was serious about it. Not like me who goes about once per year and expects to do good.
How about your walk with Christ? If it's not what it should be, guess what? You need practice. We all need to walk with Christ daily, putting our faith into practice if we are to please the Lord and live the abundant life.
Practice your walk with Jesus this week. And, if you get the chance, hit the bowling alley's fun! :)