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I Wouldn't Want That   Sunday, September 17, 2017

Have you ever said, "I don't understand God"? Have you ever thought that? If so, you are in good company. There are many times we just don't get what He is up to. The bigger question is what do you do when you face those times.

Honestly, I wouldn't want a God who, (or is it whom), I could figure out. Who wants a God just like them. I can't find my keys half the time. Why would I want a God like that? I want a God who, (or is it whom) is far superior to me so I can go to Him when I don't understand. I want a God who, (or...well, you know) I can trust even when I don't understand.

God says, For My thoughts are not your thought, nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

And, as Mary Poppins would say, "that is as it should be".

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