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Change Is Sometimes Hard   Sunday, March 26, 2017

I was helping in the camp kitchen recently.  (Don't worry...I wasn't cooking).  I had to go to the walk in fridge, so I rushed over and went to grab the handle and it wasn't there.  I had forgotten we had changed the opening direction of the door and out of habit, I grabbed air instead of the handle.


Change is sometimes hard.  Did you know God wants us changed?  It's not just a fire insurance He offers's a changed life.


Romans 12:2 tells us not to let the world squeeze us into it's mold.  Rather, transform your life by changing how you think.  


We now know that God is right and we have sinned.  We know that we cannot get rid of the sin ourselves.  We understand that Jesus died in our place and we have placed our trust in Him for forgiveness.  That's called "renewing your mind".


Are you being changed?  Is your life being transformed?  Or are you still "reaching for the handle that isn't there" and living in sin?

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