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Disinfected   Sunday, February 12, 2017

Not sure what I had, (have), but I'm glad it's about over.  At least I'm hoping such.


Not wanting to re-catch it I bought some disinfectant spray tonight and went to work.  Wanted to kill off any remaining bugs that might be lurking about, seeking to devour me.


Have you disinfected your life?  Have you taken precautions against our enemy, satan, who walks about seeking whom he may devour?


I used spray tonight.  We can use a sword, the Bible to fight off our enemy.  We also have the weapon of prayer.  And how about gathering with other believers in church to encourage each other.


I'm hoping to completely get rid of this cough.  (I'm coughing now from the spray).  Hehe!  I also want to rid my life of satan.  He will always be attacking but my goal is not to let him win.  How about you?

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