It's Not Too Big Sunday, April 24, 2016
I went hiking at Linville Falls, NC yesterday. It was absolutely gorgeous! On my way back to the car, I came to a 1 1/2 foot deep ditch. On the other side coming my way was a family with a small boy. All of a sudden, the little guy proclaimed, "LOOK, IT'S A CANYON".
To him, that ditch was a huge deal. To him, it probably seemed impassable. To him, it was a canyon. (I would have liked to been there when he reached the real gorge)!
To us, our problems seem like a huge deal. To us, our hurts are impassable. To us, our trails are like an uncrossable canyon. But just like the parents got the boy over the ditch, our Heavenly Father looks at our problem and says, "there is nothing too hard for Me".
Got a problem? Give it to God. Yeah, I know, easier typed than done. But your problem isn't even a ditch to our almighty God.
Give your canyons to God!