1000 Bucks Anyone? Sunday, June 1, 2014
If, (and I do mean if), I were to say, the first one to my house get's $1000.00 in small, unmarked bills, I wonder how many visitors I would have. Yo, save your gas and energy because that's not gonna happen. Remember, I said IF. :)
I suspect I'd have to hire someone to direct traffic in the driveway. People would try and be the first one to knock and claim their winnings.
God offers us a PRICELESS gift for free. He offers us forgiveness, love, acceptance, holiness, and a host of other benefits when we simply trust Him as Savior. But where is the line for that?
Have you rushed to Jesus and asked Him for His gift? So many would try and claim the $1000.00. And I can't blame them. I'd probably give it a shot too. But so few claim their free gift of salvation by refusing Jesus Christ and His love.
So, simple question. Have you trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin?
Don't know anything about this pastor but here's a quick youtube that explains what Jesus did for us.