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Want a Cupcake?   Sunday, September 15, 2013

It was hard.  They looked delicious.  And as I walked through the kids class to get to my youth group room I heard those words, "would you like a cupcake"?  Yet, I refused.

I'm sure they were awesome tasting but I'm trying, really hard I might add, to eat much healthier right now.  To do that, I had to pass up the tasty morsel.

Sin is much like my cupcake episode.  We strive to please the Lord.  We want to love and serve Him.  But satan tempts us with the sweet aroma of sin.  If you want to serve the Lord and please Him, you must refuse satan and his temptations.

I encourage my eating habits sometimes by watching a health show.  It helps me stay on track.  I also look toward the end results of just being healthier.  

Our strength and encouragement to live a Godly life comes from spending time with Him, reading His word, worshiping Him at church and most important, just loving Him.

In the end, my diet will be worth it.  Loving Christ and walking with Him is not only worth it in the end but right now.  Don't be fooled by the sweetness of satan's schemes!

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