The Big Game Sunday, February 3, 2013
One of my heros is playing in the big game tonight. I have actually been praying for him and for his performance in tonights game. I pray he does well. I pray he doesn't get injured. In my humble opinion, he is a true hero.
Oh, it's probably not the "big game" you are thinking of. I have my sights a bit higher than a bunch of guys running around a painted up cow pasture chasing a little ball. This guy is playing a much bigger game and he is playing for keeps. And he has his eye on the prize, the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus.
I'm praying for Pastor Abendini, an American citizen who is in jail in Iran for being a Christ follower. Much more important than a pigskin chaser. Some of the news outlets say his 8 year prison sentence is actually a death sentence since no one lasts that long in this prison.
Football lover? Enjoy the game. May the best team win. But remember, it's only a game and it will be over in a few hours. Jesus follower? I hope so. And that's a game that will last throughout eternity.
My "goal" is to follow Jesus Christ no matter the cost. I love Him because He first loved me. How about you? Follow Jesus this week. Hey, how about following Him and walking with Him for a lifetime? An eternal life-time!