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Got Me A Free Chicken  Sunday, April 22, 2012

I got an email coupon for a grocery store offering a free chicken with a $10.00 purchase. I figured that was a no brainer so I went to the store, purchased over $10.00, (which I'm sure that's what the store had in mind), and got me my free chicken. Cooked it up and had chicken last night. YUM!


Free stuff is cool. I like coupons those kind of coupons. Only trouble was, I had to pay something for my free gift, so I guess technically speaking, it wasn't free.


But there is a free gift which is totally free. I would think it would be a no brainer too. It's forgiveness! Jesus paid the price on the cross. He paid for the sin which we are all guilty of. He offers forgiveness as an absolutely free gift. Have you accepted it? In teaching this month, I am quoted as saying, "I honestly don't know why anyone would not want God's free gift of forgiveness". But many people do just that. How about you? Have you trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin?

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