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 The Evidence - Got Anything To Drink???  Monday, January 17, 2011

Wow, I just finished off some chips and salsa. Wasn't my salsa so I don't know the "heat content" of it, but it's safe to assume it wasn't mild! I ate the chips and now my mouth is baring the evidence. I'm burning up!


You a Christian? Do you claim to know Christ as Savior? Cool...where's the evidence. Just like the truth of my burning breath shows what I have eaten, your relationship with Christ WILL bare evidence. You can "claim" to know Christ all you want but does your life bare it out?


Prayer: Are you talking to God daily? Really, if you know Jesus and have accepted His wonderful gift of forgiveness, wouldn't you want to talk with Him often? Church: I'm writing this on Sunday. Were you in church? Did you attend services and worship the one you claim to love?


Bible: Catching a pattern here? If you claim to love someone with all your heart, wouldn't you want to read the love letter He sent to you?


Sharing: Do you tell others of the love of your life - Jesus Christ? Hey, I'm just saying.


Maybe it's time for some introspection and see if your claim is truth. Do you really know Him. If so, show it. If not, now is just as good of a time as any. Why not trust Him for the forgiveness of your sin and then you to can talk with Him, be in the local gathering of other believers to worship, read His good news and share it with someone else

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