I Don't Do Windows Sunday, October 09, 2011
Today, I was asked if I was good at washing windows. I said, "I can do them as good as the next guy". The next guy didn't get the job...I did. :)
As I cleaned some of the gym windows, I looked, saw spots, and tried my best to make'm shine. I think I did a first rate job if I do say so myself. But what was the point? To clean dirty windows.
How are the windows of your soul doing? Are you keeping them clean? You know, the eyes, ears, etc. The Bible tells us to guard your heart for out of it flow the issues of life. Are you guarding what goes in?
Just a quick encouragement to keep your "windows" clean. Don't give satan any kind of foothold in your life. He will take anything he can get and run with it. Not only "run" but "ruin" your life and your relationship with your Heavenly Father. So keep close to Jesus this week. Enjoy Him and His love. Bask in His friendship.
Keep them wind'ers clean.