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Merry Christmas  Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The week has finally come...ready or not. In just a few short days, Christmas will be here and gone. We'll enjoy the gifts, decorations, food, family and friends.


But, what did you get the one who has everything? That one is Jesus Christ. He has it all. He owns everything on earth, He owns the universe...hard to shop for someone like that. But what does He want?


He wants you. That's it. He wants your love. Love for Christ is a choice. Many times it has emotion that we can enjoy as much as He does. But many times it comes down to you choosing to love Him, even without the emotions. Gonna give Him what He wants for His birthday? Give Him your love. Not just Dec. 25, but all your life. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength!


Merry Christmas from Uncle Paul, CBM staff, and Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go!

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