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 Just Follow Me  Sunday, January 21, 2007

A friend of mine was driving along and came to a traffic jam.  He noticed a tractor trailer was in the middle of the road.  The waiting drivers were growing restless and angry and soon started zipping around the truck.  My friend pulled up and asked the truck driver if he needed any help.  He said, "I'm lost and need directions".

My friend offered some verbal directions to where he wanted to go but he could see the driver was getting confused.  At this, my friend said, "Just follow me"!

Feeling lost in your journey through this life?  Even as a Christian, are the trials and daily tasks getting you confused?  Getting a lot of "directions" pointing you in different ways?  Jesus sets the example, leads the way and simply says, "Just follow me"!

Lets decide to "just follow Jesus" this week.  Make it a conscious point to follow His lead and enjoy the abundant life He wants so desperately to give us.


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