What's That You Say? Sunday, February 19, 2006
Tonight, I was all set to write an e-pistle on a comment I heard today. It would have made a great devotional and hit hard as well. But I thought I'd better check it out before I started clicking the ole keyboard.
I searched and pointed and clicked and could find nothing. I'm not saying that what I heard was made up...I just couldn't prove it was true myself. So, I decided not to comment at all.
And that's what this e-pistle ended up being about. The Gaither's call it the rumor mill. Larryboy, (Veggie Tales), knows it by the name of rumor weed. And "Jim", (King James) calls it talebearing. That's what I would have been doing had I went ahead with my plans.
May I encourage you to be a truth bearer. The words of a talebearer are as wounds. Proverbs 26:22.
If you don't know the facts, clam up. If you know facts that damage someone by passing the juicy tidbit along, zip it dude!
Let's do as God commands and let our speech be edifying to each other. "Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man" Col 4:6