A Big Game Sunday Hero Sunday, February 05, 2006
Tonight, there are a few guys running around on a field trying to hang on to a ball. Thousands are on the sidelines screaming for their favorite hero. Although there are Godly men on both teams who are playing for the glory of God, I have a different kind of hero tonight.
Tonight, my thoughts went to a man named David Kim. He was a professor of mine in Bible college. Although I don't know them personally, this man endured something that many of our pigskin carrying friends would have been too wimpy to endure. I know that I couldn't have done it.
As a boy growing up in Korea, it became increasingly illegal to believe in Jesus. At one point, it was announced in his school classroom, that on Sundays, they were REQUIRED to be at school to help clean up. He was faced with a choice. He could go to church or go clean up the school. He went to church.
On Monday morning, the faculty called all that missed the special cleanup day to come up front. One by one, they were asked why they weren't at school. When they asked David, he of course answered he was in church. SLAP!!!!!
As the weeks progressed, the 10 that missed dwindled down to David and the pastor's son. And each Monday morning they would be slapped in the face by their teachers. For this little boy, it was a Sunday morning church - Monday morning torture existence.
My hero tonight isn't wearing a Seahawk or Steeler helmet. My hero of the evening is a little boy wearing no protective gear. My hero loved Jesus enough to take a hit in the face from people who were supposed to be caring.
One of these days, for those of us who enter Heaven, God is going to open up a book called the Book of Remembrance. There probably won't be many touchdowns mentioned in that book. I'm positive no winning teams will be honored in print. David Kim's name will be there though. And when his name is read and his story is told, I imagine Jesus will go to David and, perhaps with a tear in His eye, hug him and tell him, THANKYOU! He is a true hero!
Will your name be in there for honoring your Lord? Or how about the other book - the Lamb's Book Of Life where those to have trusted Christ are written?
Who's your hero? Is it someone running around a field with a ball or someone who is giving their all for Jesus?
Finally, is Jesus your hero?