New Wallyworld - New Creation Sunday, February 06, 2005
A week or two ago, a department store in my town closed. Why? Because they opened the new Super Center Wal-mart down the road. The old one closed and the new one opened. Needless to say that opening day was a packed house.
I decided to avoid the crowd and go to the old store. (Not really)! If I would have though, I would have just sat in the parking lot because the old store was locked. Even if I was allowed in, it would have been pointless because the old was gone and the new had come.
Many Christians live their lives by the "old Wal-mart system". Instead of experiencing victory in Christ, they sit around in defeat, not realizing that they have been changed.
The Bible teaches that if anyone has accepted Jesus as Savior, they are a NEW CREATURE! The old nature is gone, dead, groundhogs bringing the mail! And instead, they have a brand new nature.
This is an important truth if you want the abundant life Jesus promised. Realizing that the temptations to sin don't originate from you allows you to realize that you are not fighting yourself. This gives an edge in victory over sin.
The next few e-pistles will be devoted to who you become as a new creature in Christ. But I warn you...knowing these truths can set you free! (John 8:32)