Hot, Cold, or What? Sunday, January 16, 2005
Dunno what it was like last week where you were, but around here, it was beautiful. Warm weather in the upper 60's and right at 70 sometimes. Pretty nice for January. But now, it's suddenly turned cold, spitting snow, and I just finished some hot chocolate. Crazy weather for sure.
What kind of weather is your walk with Jesus producing? Did you know that God wants you either HOT or COLD? He said it's better for you to be full steam ahead for Jesus or just forget the whole thing. Really!
God said that "luke warm" Christians make Him barf. Check out what God said to a church in Revelation 3:16. Of course, the main thing He want's is a moment by moment communication with "on fire" for Him.
What's your spiritual temperature. Why not turn up the heat this week and go full throttle for Jesus!