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A Little Off The Top   Sunday, February 2, 2020

Started a new Sunday School class today for kids.  Wanted to make it as exciting as I could.  We were talking about Samson.  You know, the guy who lost his strength when he broke his promise to God by having his hair cut.  So to illustrate, all the kids got to take one clip of my hair.  (As if I had any to spare).  I will be heading to the barber tomorrow by the way.

I was willing to give what little (hair) I had.  Which begs the question.  What are you willing to give to God?  Doesn't have to be hair (and it probably won't ever be again in my case).  But are you willing to give God your life?  Are you serving Him?  Are you sharing Him with others?

God wants you.  He wants to use you this week.  But you must be willing.  Hey, He gave His Son for you.  Why not serve Him in return.

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