Pop-Ups Blocked Sunday, November 07, 2004
I have a toolbar at the top of my web browser which blocks pop up adds. (Well, most of them). It is a handy little gizmo that keeps that pesky stuff from ever appearing on my screen. It's a great thing to have for sure.
Want a good temptation pop up blocker? I've got a good one. It's simple but it's almost too simple that we miss it. When fighting temptation, the greatest "blocker" is simply to love Jesus. Yeah, just love Him.
When we love someone, we will do what they ask. When we love Jesus, we will do His commands.
Someone once asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was. He simply told them to love Him. That's the key.
Focus on loving Jesus this week and see how many pop up temptations are blocked. Just love Jesus!