A Recipe for Disaster! Sunday, September 28, 2003
Being the bachelor that I am, I'm always looking for an easy to fix meal
using real food. Thanks to the Food Network, I got a recipe for shrimp
that I thought I'd try. I followed the instructions except for a small,
minor detail. When the recipe called for 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper, I
miss-read and thought it said 1/2 cup! I'd like to go on record at this
time to say 1/2 cup red pepper sure does spice up one's meal! :)
The Bible says what we "sow", we "reap". In other words, if we do
something, we are going to receive the consequences of that choice,
whether good or bad. I "sowed" more red pepper than I was supposed to
and I "reaped" the burning mouth because of it.
What are you sowing in your life? Are you placing things in your life
that are going to cause heartache and trial, or that will bring joy,
gladness, and peace with God. What we sow - we reap!
Let's sow some good seed in our lives this week and
watch as we then reap the benefits. Remember that Jesus loves you!