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Turn Out That Light!   Sunday, May 18, 2003

The other evening I went over to Cabin "Reuben", pulled a couple of mattresses on the floor, layed down, and had a very comfortable view for the evening's festivity. As I gazed at the solar eclipse, I was in awe of God and how powerful He is. 

I also thought of the earth casting it's shadow on the moon. Pretty impressive sight. It reminded me of something not so impressive though.


The moon's light is a reflection of the sunshine. With the earth in the way, the reflection was limited and even gone. Anyone know where I'm going with this one??? :) 

As Christians, we are to reflect the light of Christ. Let Him shine and all of that stuff. But when sin comes in our lives, our reflection is limited and even stopped. 

Some of you are hitting your last week of school this week. Let's clean out the sin...confess it...and get rid of it. Then lets reflect the "SON" with all ya got this final week(s) at your government funded missions trip called public school. It may be the last time some ever get to see Jesus with skin on.

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