Truth or Fake Sunday, November 09, 2003
Just received an email from a great friend who asked me to fill out a
form for him. He asked me to complete the form and mail it back. He
sent the form as an email attachment and then added, "I have attached the postage as well".
Curiosity got the best of me so I had to open the "postage attachment"
which was a picture of a stamp. It was pretty funny. Of course, the
post office wouldn't think so!
The stamp, although it looked good, was a fake. So many times, Satan
offers us stuff that looks good but it's a fake. He promises joy, peace,
and contentment but it just turns out to be a big mess.
Jesus can only give true joy. Don't fall for Satan's counterfeits. Go
with Jesus and all that He offers for the truth. As my fav. verse says,
"The truth will set you free".