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God and Mario   Sunday, October 05, 2003

Many of you have been at a campfire where we share testimonies of what 

God has done in our lives. Sometimes, you hear some pretty amazing 

things. The testimony I heard this weekend is one of the most unique I 

have ever heard. 


A young boy was playing Mario. As he got to the top, (in the game), 

Mario bumped his head, fell to the bottom and died, resulting in loosing 

the game. This event actually caused the boy to start thinking of his 

own life and eventual death and he decided to accept Jesus as his savior. 

Is that a cool testimony or what! 


Got me to thinking that God can use anything. In the scriptures, He used 

a boy and a slingshot to kill Goliath, a talking donkey to stop Baalam 

from sinning, a stick to make the red sea split apart leaving dry land, 

and so on. My point this week is God can use YOU and He wants to. 


Let God use you this week. Be available to Him. Otherwise, He might 

just decide to use your toothbrush instead and you'll miss out on the 

blessing of being used.

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