Happy 2003 Sunday, December 29, 2002
So, did you make any New Year Resolutions? Not me. Why? Because if
found out that making standards that I have no way of keeping leads to
defeat. Hey, I'm not saying that we shouldn't set goals, but what I am
wanting to get across this week is not to set up all kinds of rules for
yourself. After all, Jesus came to set us free from the law.
The Bible teaches us that the power of sin is...THE LAW! How weird is
that! But it's true. Kind of like going up to the "Do Not Touch - Wet
Paint" sign, and touching the object just to see if the sign was right!
When we focus on RULES, we set ourselves up for failure. When we focus
on loving our Lord, the rules automatically take care of themselves.
Jesus said that if you love Him, you'll keep His commandments. He's not
saying, "If you love me, you better keep the law". He was saying,
"If you love me, you'll end up doing as I say". A world of difference.
If you have a burning love for someone, nothing in the world can keep you
from making them happy and trying to please them. Same with Jesus.
Wanna serve Him better in 2003? JUST LOVE HIM BETTER and you'll
accomplish the goal!
Nada Rule But A Suggestion
Ever do the ole "read the Bible through in a year" deal? Ever FINISH?
:) Again, don't do it as a rule but if you are interested in keeping
track of your Bible reading, a good website to try is www.crosswalk.com
Under the faith section, you'll find Bible study tools. There you'll
find "Bible in a Year".
Just because it says IN A YEAR doesn't mean you have to be bound by that
rule. I'm trying it because I WANT TO. If I mess up on the timing of
it, who cares. I still have a record of what I have read, courtesy of
crosswalk, and I can catch up later. Just wanted to mention it if you
wanted to start keeping track of reading the Bible. Hey, on some areas,
you can even listen to someone read to ya while you follow along. Great
place this America!